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No. 1(14) (2018): The Future in the Social Sciences

Narrations of Future and Innovation Design: the Perspective of Science and Technology Studies

  • Agata Stasik
May 23, 2020


The paper analyzes the contribution of studies on science and technology (STS) to the debate on the relationship between science and technology, our today’s ideas about possible futures (present futures), and the future to come as the results of our actions (future present). First, I present the basic assumptions of STS and how it frames the impact of the visions of the future on the innovations. Then, I review the processes leading to the creation of a shared socio-technological future: from participatory assessment of technology through social movements’ engagement to the official policy of the European Research Area. I argue that STS research on societal futures should include market dynamics, the role of interest groups and social movements.


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