No. 2(11) (2016): Boredom
The Psychological View of Boredom – Theories and Models of Boredom
26 June 2020
The phenomenon of boredom has often been discussed in the field of sociology. Nevertheless, given the close relationship between boredom and some dimensions of affective and cognitive functioning, it is also a focus of psychological research. At the outset, boredom was examined from the perspective of the psychology of work (as a factor disturbing the effectiveness of work) and psychoanalytic theory (which distinguishes adaptive and pathological forms of boredom). Currently, researchers emphasize that it is possible to distinguish many types of boredom. Distinctions are made using two kinds of criteria – the causes of boredom (situational versus internal) and the level of boredom’s negative effects. Researchers also point out that a proneness to boredom can be considered a dimension of individual differences. In the article, the authors present some of the most important theories and research on boredom. They also present psychological measures of boredom and proneness to boredom.
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