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No. 1(6) (2014): The Politics of Truth

Social Psychology. The Pitfalls of Engagement in Poland and Worldwide

  • Michał Bilewicz
  • Mateusz Olechowski
12 June 2020


In this article we analyze the ideological involvement of social psychology in Poland and worldwide in the context of social engagement of social sciences. We present examples from contemporary psychology of intergroup relations and Polish studies about systemic transition – written by leading Polish social psychologists – in order to show the extent of social embeddedness of psychological research and knowledge production. We argue that there is not enough awareness of these facts in the research and works of social psychologists. Psychological theories of motivated social cognition, attributional biases and intergroup relations are used to analyze this conduct of social psychologist. Lastly, we describe recent positive changes, leading to a paradigm shift in social psychology towards a more critical and socially aware science.


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