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No. 1(12) (2017): The Relational Turn in Sociology: Implications for the Study of Society, Culture, and Persons

Remarks on Pierpaolo Donati’s Paper: “Human Fulfillment in a Morphogenic Society: Challenges and Opportunities from a Relational Standpoint”

  • Tadeusz Szawiel
22 May 2020


  1. Archer M.S., ed. 2017a. Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, Springer.
  2. Archer M.S. 2017b. Introduction: Has a Morphogenic Society Arrived?, [in:] Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, ed. M.S. Archer, Springer, pp. 1–27.
  3. Archer M.S. 2017c. Does Intensive Morphogenesis Foster Human Capacities or Liabilities?, [in:] Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, ed. M.S. Archer, Springer, pp. 115–135.
  4. The Bible. Authorized Version (AV).
  5. Donati P. 2017a. What Does a ‘Good Life’ Mean in a Morphogenic Society? The Viewpoint of Relational Sociology, [in:] Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, ed. M.S. Archer, Springer, pp. 137–161.
  6. Donati P. 2017b. Human Fulfillment in a Morphogenic Society: Challenges and Opportunities from a Relational Standpoint, unpublished manuscript of the seminar lecture delivered at the University of Warsaw, March 6, 2017.
  7. Maccarini A.M. 2017. The Morphogenic Society as Source and Challenge for Human Fulfillment, [in:] Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, ed. M.S. Archer, Springer, pp. 93–114.
  8. Porpora D.V. 2017. Some Reservations About Flourishing, [in:] Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, ed. M.S. Archer, Springer, pp. 45–61.
  9. Weber M. 1989 [1930]. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, transl. T. Parsons, Unwin Hyman.


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