Author Biography
Tomasz Zarycki – sociologist and social geographer, professor at the University of Warsaw and Deputy Director of the Professor Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies (ISS UW) there. His published books include Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe (2014), Gra peryferyjna. Polska politologia w globalnym polu nauk społecznych (Peripheral Game: Polish Political Science in the Global Field of Social Sciences, with Tomasz Warczok, 2016), Totem inteligencki. Arystokracja, szlachta i ziemiaństwo w polskiej przestrzeni społecznej (Intelligentsia’s Totem: Aristocracy, Nobility and Landowners in the Polish Social Space, with Rafał Smoczyński, 2017) and The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology (2022). Website: