
Stan Rzeczy [State of Affairs] is an antidisciplinary journal, a place for dialogue between sociology and other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. We are looking for innovative and non-obvious approaches to social phenomena. We question the foundations and we interpret new phenomena, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. We base ourselves on the proud tradition of sociology at the University of Warsaw, on critical and engaged thinking about society, and on the highest standards of scholarship. Learn more
State of Affairs is published by the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw. It features in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s index of scholarly journals (20 points) and is listed in Erih Plus, CEEOL, CEJSH, IC Journals Master List (ICV 2020: 77.85).
ISSN: 2083-3059, e-ISSN: 2450-7504
No. 1(24)New Sociology of Leadership

Issue description
A new sociology of leadership – is it even possible Although sociology’s classic thinkers, such as Max Weber, Florian Znaniecki, and Robert Merton, analysed the question of leadership, the topic later fell into disgrace and was overtaken by psychology, organisational deve ... See the full issue